Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Nerdy Kid Post

So I didn't fully embrace my full nerdom until well into college.  I always figured I was a little out there, but I mostly kept it under wraps.  Did I love LOVE all the comic book movies that came out when i was in high school? Yes.  But the fact that I dreamed about having their powers, I kept to myself.  Was I in marching band? Well, Yes. But to this day, I SWEAR it was a cool thing to do at my high school.  Did I always have a maybe slightly unhealthy obsession with Jeopardy. Yeah, okay.  But again, under wraps.

So I guess for most of my life, I could be referred to as a closeted nerd.

However, now the cat is out of the bag and I live my life in full Jeopardy watching, comic book reading, documentary viewing, Settlers of Catan loving, I almost bought a periodic table shower curtain, science teacher, holynerdwad glory.  For the love, at this very moment I am wearing a t-shirt that says I heart science.  Except there's a real heart there that's in the shape of an atom.  True Story.

Anyway, it is because of this that the real nerdy kids tend to be my posse.  Every teacher has a niche of kids that they really like.  Some teachers really like athletes and others are good with girls.  I however have found my niche among the very nerdy boys.  The ones who typically have B.O. and really don't talk about anything but video games and typically wear really funny shirts that have very advanced humor on them (or say Bazinga).  That's my crew.  I mean, seriously, I'm the academic team coach, it was bound to happen.

So I have this student who is obsessed with riddles.  He literally tells me a riddle every day before class starts.  I never get them right and always have to give up, but it's a good time.  He must seriously spend his life reading riddles, because he can just spew a riddle any time, any where, for any given amount of time.

Yesterday we were driving back from an academic match and it is late.  I'm tired, the kids are tired, but they are keeping themselves entertained.  The Riddler is coming off a second place Math finish (actually, he was pretty furious about that, he is only okay with first place, he was okay after we talked about how second place is good) at the match AND a free medium fry at McDonalds, so suffice to say his spirits were high.  So he's throwing riddles out like his life depends on it.  Then I hear this conversation go down.

Riddler: Hey guys, I got one.  It's more of a joke, but it's pretty good.
Kids: Okay, sure.
Riddler: What do the Cleveland Browns do when they score a touchdown?
Kids: Ummm... We don't know.
Riddler: They turn off the XBox and go to bed.

I die laughing.  This is a funny joke.  Good one, Riddler.  Then I hear this.

Riddler: And guys! The great thing about that joke?
Kids: What?
Riddler: I hate sports, but everyone else thinks it's funny and you can cater it to the audience based on your region!

I about peed my pants.  What 14 year old thinks of these things?