Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Plague Part II

I've taken a while to post this great story, and I'm not sure why...because it's a good one.  If you are a frequent blog reader, you know that back in October I had the plague.  You can read about it here.

I don't know how I did it, but somehow I avoided all illness save a tiny sinus infection last year.  This year is a different case.  Maybe these kids are just more germy or more touchy than last years kids, but I feel like I have been in a constant state of sick since mid October.  So after my last experience at the walk in clinic, I swore up and down I would never go back.  BUT. Then I got sick on a Sunday and there were rumors of strep throat going around and there really wasn't another option.  So back to the land of people who accuse me of being pregnant I went.  After all, I thought, what are the odds of me getting the same doctor? Those places have like 20 doctors on staff at random times.

WRONG.  After having my vitals taken and waiting in the room for like a small century, in walks none other than everyone's favorite shockingfasttalkerforanenglishlanguagelearner doctor, talking a mile a minute and being demeaning as usual.  The visit went fine.  He only asked me if I was pregnant once, which is a huge step up from the three times he asked me last time.  He figured out my illness pretty quickly, but also determined that I have allergies. Sure. Fine. Whatever.  He also determined I needed nasal spray. Okay. Great. Sure. Then this conversation ensued.

Doctor Crazy Pants: HOW YOU USE NASAL SPRAY!?
Me: Um. I don't know. Normally.
Me: I don't know.
Me: (I'm getting a little panicey here...I haven't been yelled at since I was pulled over for speeding my freshman year of college, and that ended with me in tears) I don't know!! Straight. Straight!
DCP: WRONG!!!!!!!! That okay. You aren't only one. You must spray to side. That where sinuses are.

Then DCP proceeds to put his ink pen up his nose (like not just a little...all the way) and demonstrates which way to point the nasal spray.  He even used the clicker on his pen as a pretended sprayer.

I was far too sick and tired to control my reactions.  So I laughed in his face.  Oops.

Oh well.  I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.  I would say I won't go back there...but at this's just getting pretty entertaining.  Maybe I'll even start requesting DCP.

In other news. It is abstinence week, which means I don't teach. Which further means my pinterest has greatly benefited.  I'm working on a little write up for you all concerning the awesome questions and comments these little delights are making.  I'll warn you ahead of time...these kids aren't as entertaining as last year, but they all still have that ohmygoshthisistheworstthingever look on their faces.  They also stare at their hands a lot.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Valentine's Day 2012 Post

With the exception of abstinence training (coming up people...2 weeks), Valentine's day may be my favorite day in the school year.  The kids are a flutter with love and teddy bears and flowers and chocolate and generally everything terrible, that looks like valentine's day, that you can buy from the gas station. 

Because I needed a laugh, today I gave my kids the following journal prompt:

Valentine's Day. Love? Hate? What was your best Valentine's day ever?

Here are some of the most outstanding responses.  Keep in mind, I'm typing them exactly as they are written, so don't judge me for using bad grammar or spelling. Please note the drastic differences between girls and boys.

Girl 1:
Valentine's day is great.  I absolutley love it.  Every year I always enjoy Valentine's day, but my favorite Valentine's day was in sixth grade.  I had a boyfriend on Valentine's day and got a Valentine's gift from him.  I got a teddy bear and a note that had a poem on it and a letter to me.  I remember stuffing the bear in my bag because I was afraid my dad would see it.

Girl 2:
My best Valentine's day, hopefully, will be this year.  One reason why is because someone asked me to be their Valentine.  (Side note: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? do you get no love from the person except on Valentine's Day??) I think Valentine's day is okay.  I used to dread it.  All it is, is drama.  Why is it so hard to say, "Happy Valentine's Day," give someone a card or just say that you like them.  It's a day of love.  If you don't have anybody, hug your dog cause he or she loves you.

Boy 1:
I really don't care much for Valentine's day because if you are in a relationship, you got to go and buy your girlfriend something.  So it's expensive and a waste of money in my opinion.  But my best Valentine's day was when I was in elementary school when I could care less if someone got me anything or not.  Typically, I would get rid of my women around holidays because it is too expensive.  Now I just tell them I'm not getting them anything, so they don't have to get me anything.  So it's a win win for both sides.

Boy 2:
I have mixed feelings about Valintine's Day.  It's great for couples, but it reminds people who have no one, such as 40 year olds that still live with their mothers, or 30 year olds that still read comics (umm. guilty, except I'm not 30. So, acceptable?), how lonely they are.  Valintine's day also burns a whole in your pocket.  Money just seems to disapper.  Women always want expensive chocolate.  Then when you finally save your money up and buy it its gone in a minute.  Valintine's day is a day of love or humiliation.  Single people such as cat ladies or people who do math for fun become the laughing stock of the day.  (this seems a bit dramatic...but we'll go with it).  On the bright side is women get all the candy they ever need.  Also women are usually in a good mood.  This is good for the guys.  One day of peace and quit from a woman is like a miracle from Jesus. 

This is why journal writing is the best thing that ever happened to my homeroom class. 

Well. A Happy Valentine's Day to each of you.  May your day be filled with love and at the very least, a sugar high.