Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's Cliche, I Know...

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!

I plan to spend the day eating fabulous food (TWO thanksgiving meals...oh yes...) with fabulous people and generally being thankful.

I thought in the spirit of a fabulous holiday (although many would accuse me of bypassing Thanksgiving for Christmas), I would show my appreciation and love by making a post dedicated to the things in this world I am thankful for:

1. My Family: who genuinely likes to be around each other and who prefers to face the world with humor rather than sap or anger.  It's made life much more fun.

2. My Friends: who understand me, who are always there for me, who will act ridiculous with me and laugh at me, even when my jokes aren't funny, because they know I need it.

3. My Owen: my now 17 pound baby, who bites my face every morning and knocks everything off of every surface.  It just doesn't get better than that.

4. My Job: it's a good one, with good people and generally I really like being there.  You just can't ask for more than that.

5. My Students: who keep me constantly entertained, laughing and challenged and who also teach me a thing or two from time to time. For instance, did you know that you can go cat fish fishing with your bare hands? Apparently it's called noodlin'. Sounds like a party.

6. My Church: who I firmly believe is doing the will of God and striving everyday to be the way churches were intended to be.

7. My Sense of Humor: I've discovered lately there are a lot of people walking around the world without one and that is just sad.  Calm down world and laugh a little bit, even if it's not absolutely hilarious, you will thank yourself later.

8. The Beginning of the Christmas season: because contrary to my mother's beliefs, it is the happiest time of the year. Although, I'll be honest, I refuse to recognize Black Friday as any variety of occasion. I will spend the day tucked in bed until a reasonable hour, then I'm going to the comic book store's post-Thanksgiving sale to try and start my X-Men readings. Chew on that people who ruin Christmas with their commercialism!!

Well that's all I have today folks, sorry I have no excellent Thanksgiving tales to tell you, but it is always good to spend some time thanking God for the blessings in your life...because today it's especially important to remember that our lives are not extraordinarily average when compared to the rest of the world, rather we are extraordinarily blessed.

Peace, Love and the Macy's Parade,

Friday, November 18, 2011

10 Fascinating Facts About Claire

Apparently Friday is list day around blog land. So I thought Hey, why not join in the fun.

So here we go, ten random facts about Claire L. Kinney, blogger extraordinaire, for the week.

1. Yesterday I drove to Bath County, Kentucky.  It was as hillbilly as it sounds. 
2. Yesterday I drove to Bath County, Kentucky for an academic team coaches meeting.  It was as nerdy as it sounds.
3. Sometimes when I hear a baby crying in a store I get so mad I feel rage in my stomach. 
4. I don't like babies. If I ever have children, I think I will adopt a 5 year old that will agree to having its name changed. 
5. I have a file folder in my desk drawer at school labeled Rando Crap.  It is really full. 
6. I haven't cooked a meal for myself in at least 3 weeks.  I'm still living on the leftovers of a casserole I made at that time.  It was giant. 
7.  I drew a moustache on my mirror with dry erase marker because it makes looking in the mirror more entertaining.
8.  I'm obsessed with The Biggest Loser.  I've watched two seasons in the last week, in addition to keeping up with the current season.
9.  Watching The Biggest Loser should inspire me to work doesn't.  Instead I find it hilarious to eat something really unhealthy while I watch.  I think I'm missing the point.
10.   I've decided I need to read the X Men comics because I find them fascinating.  After doing some research I've discovered it's going to be more complicated than expected. Apparently you can't just start at #1.  I want to go to a comic book store, but I'm afraid they'll judge me. 

I'm going to leave you with a quote from my favorite TV show, maybe of all time, The Big Bang Theory.

Sheldon: "I believe I would like to alter the paradigm of our relationship."
Amy: "I'm listening."
Sheldon: "I would not object to us no longer referring to you as not my girlfriend."
Amy: "Interesting. Now try it without the quadruple negative."
Sheldon: "Amy. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Amy: "Yes."
Sheldon: "Well that's enough of that."

Hahaha.  On that note, my world is now complete.  Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Wednesday the week before Thanksgiving, Can I really be expected to function properly?

Today I needed to have a discussion with my dear kiddos.  Life lessons with Ms. Kinney, if you will. 

They were as follows:

1. Don't let me see your cell phones, if I do I will take them and read your text messages. and laugh.  Then I will look through all your media and make sure you aren't being a skank. If you are, an awkward conversation is coming your way.

2. Put your facebook on private.  I don't want to see pictures of papers I have given back on your wall, even if I did make a funny when I was grading it.  I also don't want to read about how much you hate your science project or how much you are bored with school.  Also. They have this rating system where they literally rate each other's appearaces and write it on each other's walls! And people wonder why middle schooler's are so emotionally distraught all the time.  (for another facebook and my students story, see here)

So at the end of my long lecture on being a reasonable human being and precisely 3 minutes after I finshed lecturing them about how horrible it was to see cell phones and how bad it was if they go off...My phone started ringing...The Circle of Life from the Lion King.  Man do I set a good example. 

Oh well. They can't take my phone, but I can take theirs. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

On the Blogging World.

I'm going to set up a little bloggy blog that will represent other blogs as I see them.  Just for the record, I'm not hating...just pointing out that  maybe a lot of blogs are alike...but hey...I still read them, so blog on blog world.

Insert random picture that has nothing to do with anything, but inevitably has a very well dressed girl in muted colors with soft lighting:

For the record, to find this picture I googled, soft lighting cute clothes nature. 

Next they're probably going to tell you what happy things they've done lately. 

Today I love life.  It is the best thing ever.  Me and my best friendhusbandlovermanhunk are going on a date to somewhere adorable and local and healthy. I got an awesome amazing bestthingi'veevereaten vegan no carb avacado sprout delight. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Then. I went and worked out for 9 years and wahhh it sucked, but I felt so good when I finished that it was worth it! I loved being toned and fitting my tight little body into precious vintage clothes. 

Now I'm probably going to include a cute picture of my baby.  For me this is my here you go:

Ahhh. He's so cute. I dress him in vintage baby clothes always with animal hats. Also I never leave him  because he's so greattttt.

Then I'm going to ask you a question like, don't you just love vintage clothes and fall and cooking and working out and babies??

Maybe I'm not cut out for the blog world.  I mean...I don't go cute places and if I do, I don't take pictures...and shhhh, don't tell blogger...but I don't actually own a camera, much less a DSLR.  I also don't have instagram because I have a flip phone from 2002.  Oh well...I will blog on and hope that maybe one day someone will like my little blog, even though I never show you my outfits...or my baby...or my decorating skills...or my food choices...or my husband

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 11, 2011

I know. It's not November 11.  It's November 10.  However, apparently I am not making a big enough deal out of the fact that tomorrow is the one and only 11.11.11.  AND at 11:11 on 11.11.11 apparently all my dreams will come true.  Good luck getting me into Major League Baseball 11:11 on 11.11.11. 

Apparently a few of my girls have decided that 11.11.11 is going to make an awesome anniversary.  SO, I joke not when I tell you this...they have plans to obtain boyfriends tomorrow.  Genius, right? I mean, what's more promising than a middle school relationship began with the soul purpose of getting a boyfriend on November 11th? One girl even told me she's talking to a boy, but she won't let him ask her out until tomorrow. (We won't go into what "being asked out" gets very complicated, but I can assure you, it doesn't involve actual dates).  That is dedication.  Then her and another girl proceeded to tell me that the boys they liked were dimes.  What the crap is a dime?? Am I really so old that I don't know the current slang!? I mean come on...I listen to rap...I thought I was hip to the groove, but apparently not.  I figured out that it means really attractive. Good grief. 

In other news, let me be the first to tell you, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Yes.  I am that person, the one that gets really excited about the fact that all I heard at Wal-Mart this morning was Christmas music, who has already decorated her apartment (as much as Owen will let me..) for Christmas.  I think It's a Wonderful Life will be viewed in the near future.  It's Christmas people...and I just can't get enough! Now.  I know. It isn't even Thanksgiving yet. Wah Wah suckers!!!! This is one of the beautiful things about being an adult.  I DECIDE WHEN IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!

That's all I got today folks.  Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and I'll just go ahead and throw it out there...Happy New Years, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, April Fools Day, Flag Day and Independence Day...I think that's as far in advance as I'll work for now. 
