Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shorts These Days. AKA Denim Underwear.

So. Tonight I had the intense privilege of taking in a high school baseball game. I love baseball, so this is an ideal situation. (It even went into extra innings, so according to my sister's boyfriend..SWEET! free baseball). Maybe I've been jaded or just never thought it was a drastic as the situation actually is, but I am sad to report that females no longer see the need to wear pants. I observed a VAST (I mean 50+) girls wearing not shorts but something that could only be classified as denim underwear..as in there is no way they were actually wearing underwear under those bad boys. This in addition to the recent leggings as pants fad has made me lose all hope in the female population to dress like sane human beings. The denim underwear were especially precious in combination with their boyfriend's baseball jerseys. The picture they took grabbing each other's rear ends was also particularly classy. I'm sure their parents would have been proud.

Anyway, rant over. Case and point: Wear pants. You won't regret it.

In an attempt to stick to shorter more manageable blog posts (kind of like a baby learning to eat solid food...) I will end here fore now.


Some Things to Consider:

1 .The English Language - If for some reason you are reading this and you aren't a native english speaker...you will understand, if you are..then odds are you won't, but please stop for a second and think about the absolute ridiculous nature of this language. It seriously makes no sense.
2. People's refusal to adhere to uniform dress. I've observed this on multiple occasions. Personally, I have no issue wearing the same outfit as like 500 other people..in fact it kind of feeds my need for order and structure. Therefore, I seriously have no idea why people struggle to adapt to uniforms. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so I will give an example or two.
Example 1: Tonight at the baseball game. There were players who were trying to make their baseball pants sag..Is that a joke? Seriously, if you want to be a baseball player you just need to accept the fact that you are going to wear tight pants..I know you think you're cool, but trust me...you really just look like a fool.
Example 2: Graduation. When you graduate, you need to understand that you are going to wear a large robe with the weirdest shaped hat ever with something dangling over the side..it's just a fact of life. Therefore, you should not try to look cool. AKA. Putting your hat on the back of your head so that it is literally vertical is just plain ridiculous and frankly defies gravity. Sorry Newton, you were wrong..gravity can be defied..by college girls with bobby pins and hairspray.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who's That? The Opposite of Boring.

Caty Brigman. If you are reading this, please know that the title is for you. For the rest of you, you should know that this is a quote from the best movie ever created (and I mean that with all the sarcasm pent up in my body that couldn't be released during the weekend). This movie is none other than, FAME (not the old one, the new one..although we all should have known after the first one not to watch the second one). I'm pretty sure my IQ is at least 12 points lower, but for whatever reason, I couldn't stop watching. It was even suggested that we stop...I discouraged it..and I have no idea why.

Anyway, great news. I have officially graduated from college. At least to the best of my grade calculations I have. Art as Experience could rear it's ugly head one more time and make me crash and burn, but I don't think so. They say it ain't over til the fat lady sings..and that is the state of mind I'm trying to approach this with...Except instead of a fat lady...I'll just have a piece of paper..but whatever gets the job done, right? Here's a great pic of the momentous occasion..

In a great stroke of luck (okay, not luck, generosity from my parents and awesome rebate at AT&T), I managed to obtain a new computer and cell phone in the same weekend..both of which are way to cool for my actual life. Let's be honest...I don't wear black rimmed glasses and drink starbucks, do I even merit the MacBook I'm writing this on? Don't worry, I didn't get a matching iPhone...I don't believe in having internet on your phone, mostly because I definitely do not believe in updating twitter every 3.7 seconds. I mean trust me, no one cares how many bowel movements you've had today, or what you ate that caused them. Either way, I feel like I will spend the rest of the week setting things up (aka. making my brother set them up for me..not only am I not cool enough, in all reality I'm not technologically skilled enough).

I suppose that's all for the evening.


Some Things to Consider:

1. So I know I just joked about my IQ dropping from that movie. But, In all seriousness, post graduation, I genuinely feel like I am not as smart, like things I would normally never messed up, I have messed up. For instance, 3+3=9? No. It absolutely doesn't...but I said it did the other day. Sheesh. My brain needs a break.

2. Quote overheard by my parents yesterday at graduation:
Person 1: Do you feel very accomplished as parents now that your child is graduating from college?
Person 2: Ehh. Not really, I really felt that way when they got married last weekend and goodness knows the wedding was much more fun than this graduation.

My poor parents must think they're failures. All I have to offer as an indicator of their parenting is a a piece of paper with some words on it, and those words have NOTHING to do with matrimony. Apparently that just doesn't cut the cheese these days, you need that and a husband. Woops. I'm like Miley and the stilettos at the non-Nashville Party..I guess I never got the memo.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Here's to the Nights We Felt Alive...

HA! Tricked you...you thought I was going to write a sappy blog about how much I'll miss college and all my friends. FALSE ALARM. I mean obviously I'll miss them...I'm just not going to blog about it. Also. What does that even mean..here's to the nights I felt alive...I sincerely hope that I continue to feel alive even after I graduate from college.

So. It's finals week. Which means two things here at the Villa. First that it has become necessary to use the bathroom only while on campus, because we are EPICALLY out of toilet paper and who wants to buy toilet paper for 5 days? Answer: Not us. And second that we obviously had to execute an awesome weekend. I would say we succeeded. Here is a synopsis.

1. Went to See the Back Up Plan...DO NOT see this is you are not comfortable with the word vagina. Or vivid scenes of child birth. Don't get me wrong..it was hilarious...but don't see it on a date. You will never EVER touch the person you are with.

2. Went Line Dancing at a marvelous establishment called the 8 second saloon. I recommend it to anyone who needs a confidence boost because the people there are something else...please remind me not to grind on other women in front of a band called cornfield mafia, wearing a very small amount of clothing that reveals my 27 wrinkled tattoos when I am 45 years old...it does not end up well.

It's recently come to my attention that my blogs are entirely too long. Maybe that speaks to the attention span of these people. BUT. I will go ahead and stop here anyway.


Some Things to Consider:

1. So. If you know anything about me, you know that I hate emoticons. That aside, it is absolutely baffling to me that this - :))))))))))) means you are extra happy. When I'm extra happy in real life...I don't gain 12 mouths...but apparently you do on the internet.

2. It was recently brought to my attention that I am not very lady like...this is of great distress to me, as I fear my grandmother would be very upset if she knew. I asked my friend if it was like a huge problem in my life, basically asking if I need to make some life changes. She responded that I wasn't ugly enough for it to be truly gross, so don't worry about it. How should I take that?

3. Jelly Squirt.

Friday, May 14, 2010

She's Not Crying Anymore. She's Not Lovin' Any Longer...

Name that song. Bet you can't.
Billy Ray Cyrus. She's Not Crying Anymore. It is obviously musical genius, as is his entire album, Some Gave All (yes. Achy Breaky Heart is on that one).

Anyway, as you may (or may not) have deduced from the title, I am going to dedicate this blog to tears.

I have a problem. I don't cry. I'm serious. The last time I cried, I thought I failed the praxis and saw my entire future falling apart before my eyes. As you can see, the circumstance has to be extreme.

I have a further problem. Sometimes, I feel guilty about not crying. So I fake. I sniffle, or just look at my lap and shake.

Some Fake Crying Instances:
1. The End of Every School Year: All my friends cry because they'll miss eachother...obviously I'll miss them...but I can't cry about it...so I pretend.

2. A Break Up or Two: You just feel super guilty if a guy is crying and you aren't...this is especially easy on the phone.

3. Graduation: So. It hasn't happened yet, but I'll be honest...it probably will.

To make matters worse, I've started taking pleasure in other people's tears. For instance, I think it is particularly hilarious to play Friends are Friends Forever when my friend Sarah is around because she WILL cry. It doesn't matter if we've been laughing for 25 minutes before, she WILL cry and I delight in it.

I am slightly comforted by the fact that my sister compiled an ENTIRE CD of music for the sole purpose of making Sarah cry...at least I didn't do that. BUT. I do play it pretty much constantly.

I'm awful. And Coldhearted. Seriously. Why are you reading this? I'm too awful of a person to read about.


Some Things to Consider:

1. Shirt or Dress? This could potentially be one of my favorite games to play. The object of the game is to decide whether or not a girl's top is long enough to constitute a dress. Usually it is not and you can subsequently discuss how leggings are not pants. I highly recommend you take up this game in the near future.

2. Facebook: I understand it's obvious appeal...fun stalking...etc. BUT. Can we talk about how annoying it is? Seriously. How much more complicated is life with facebook? Do I delete them, do I not? Should we make our relationship facebook official or no? (FBO, as i have recently heard it called.) Seriously, Facebook...wow. I wish I had the willpower to get rid of it...but unfortunately I can't do that..because it is my crack cocaine.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I had nothing against the Amish...Until Yesterday

You should know that the only reason I feel comfortable writing this blog is because the person I am going to write about...in no way has internet access. Unless there is a new rule I haven't heard about.

Also know that I am not normally one to write about my male conquests on the internet (mostly because they don't exist) but this was too good to pass up.

Also know that I am mainly writing this to make Maggie jealous...she has an Amish fetish.

So yesterday, after a delightful meal at the Grille (note the E on the end...it's supposed to make it taste better...it doesn't.) I am walking back to my house. On my walk home, I pass an apartment complex, that is having some roof repair done. I don't really think anything about it...construction is pretty normal...so is getting cat called at by construction workers. However, these were not your average construction workers, as they were Amish. Which is why I thought, "that's nice, I bet they'll do a good job on that roof."

That was until I hear a voice ring out, "hey ladddyy" (insert whistle) (insert woop). No. It wasn't construction workers from another building, it wasn't some random guy in a car. It was in fact, a man in a straw hat, standing on the roof of the very same apartment complex to which I have been referring.

True Life: Yesterday, I was hit on by an Amish teenager. So I guess if all else fails, I can learn to cook over an open fire, adapt to not having electricity and give up my addiction to facebook.


Some things to consider:

1. So. I know I've already mentioned Jeopardy...and it is obviously very nerdy to mention it again, but unfortunately this has just been a thorn in my side recently. So not only does Alex make snide comments...this happens every day, but there are some days when you get that OBNOXIOUS contestant who thinks it's the best thing ever to skip around all over the board. Why? Looking for the Daily Double? I understand..but most of the time, it is pointless. And annoying. I digress.

2. WhY dO pEoPle TyPE LiKE thIS? iT iS aLmOst aS aNnoYing aS EmoTicONs. AlSO iT tAKES fOrEVer. :) ;) :/ :p

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today I Biffed it in the Art Building wearing my 6D glasses...Go ahead and chalk it up as a win.

You are all smart people, so I assume you can read the above title and deduce what happened. We can go ahead and add that there were a lot of people around. Whatever..I'm a senior, I'll never see anyone again...except on facebook.
"Hey... isn't that the girl who biffed it in the art building that one time?"
"Yeah...dang... she's let herself go post-college." (oh please people, we all know I stopped caring about my appearance at the age of 17)

Anywho, it's an exciting weekend here at the Villa. Here's a list of the activities:
1. Davies is running the mini-marathon...tonight I carbo-loaded in her honor.
2. My kiddos (as in student..not my biological children) have a piano recital tomorrow that I CANNOT seem to remember. We'll hope I remember to go...
3. Mag's wedding shower is Sunday and TRUST me when I say this house has GOT to be cleaned before then.
4. Katie is taking a "sabbath weekend" where she celebrates the sabbath from Friday night until Sunday night. She's doing it as celebration for completing her 50 page paper. I'm joining her, but let's be honest... I haven't really done anything to merit it... so really I'm just renaming my laziness as sabbath. Oh well.

So far, I've fallen asleep watching Sherlock Holmes (we started at 8), and determined that my birth certificate is lying...I'm not 22, I'm 92 and apparently incapable of staying awake for a movie. In my defense, Katie fell asleep too.. and is in fact still asleep on the couch. I am intensely debating whether or not to wake her up and tell her to go to bed, but she DOES NOT look comfortable.

I guess that's all I have for now because, let's be honest, you probably stopped reading two paragraphs ago.


Somethings to Consider:

1. I read in USA today that Sunday is the 50th anniversary of birth control...and also ironically, Mother's (Or YAY! I'm not a Mommy Yet!) Day.

2. PDA. Super common. Everyone knows this, yet almost everyone complains about it. Somewhere in there are people who both a) complain about PDA and b)participate in PDA. So basically the point being, PDA is only acceptable if you are a participant. (a+b= a-okay). However as a non-participant complainer (a-b)I feel a little screwed over.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thoughts from Geology...When I Should be Listening to a Lecture on Tectonic Plates...

The question is not How do Tectonic Plates work? The REAL question is..WHO CARES how tectonic plates work? The answer is obviously my professor...not myself...also maybe my test grade. True Life: That statement goes against everything I stand for in this world (curiosity, general knowledge for the betterment of self) BUT somehow these stances are losing all importance in my life as I approach May 22.

So. An update on my life.

1. Recently, my best friend quit talking to me because she had a dream I was super mean to her. Don't worry. We rectified the situation..I assured her that I wouldn't say mean things to her in the midst of her REM cycles anymore. Sheesssh.

2. I'm obsessed with the song Your Love is My Drug (Ke$ha). If you have not heard this song. Youtube it now. I'm serious. You will never be the same.

Some Lyrics (So you will truly understand the greatness)
My friends think I've gone crazy
My judgment's gettin kinda hazy
My steeze is gonna be affected
If I keep it up like a lovesick crackhead

What you've got boy, is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I'm all strung out, my heart is fried
I just can't get you off my mind

Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug.

AND that my friends..Is what is deemed GOOD music. BA-zinga.

3. In light of the recent oil spill, I've taken to watching the Dawn commercial with all the baby ducks soaked in oil. I think we should all show our love to Dawn for their great product that saves the life of thousands of duckies and otters. I'm not kidding. Send them a love email. NOW.

I guess that's it really. Other than in about 3 minutes I'm going to FUNcie, Indiana (You thought it was Muncie? You would be wrong).


Some things to consider:

1. Is anyone else SUPER annoyed when Alex talks so much on Jeopardy (during the interviews, snide comments between questions) that you don't get to all the questions? I'm thinking of sending him some hate mail? Too far?

2. Why do they still sell butterfly clips? These have obviously been out of style for a good 10 years. THE REAL QUESTION is acutally...Why do people still wear them? Why is it so sweet to have your hair cascading down over a weird mound on your head? I don't know...but maybe I'm just jealous because I never had enough hair for them to actually stay in place.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

College is Over? Time to start blogging.

Apparently there is an unwritten rule that if you have absolutely nothing important to say...it is essential that you start blogging. So naturally I had to start one.

Here in a few weeks, God willing and assuming I don't fail Art as an Experience/Geology/Contemporary Christian Belief...I will graduate. I'm not going to lie, this could be a struggle. I have the college version of senioritis except maybe 900 times worse than I had it in high school because unlike high school...I don't actually have to go to school again (night and summer school for my masters in five years aside). Also. I have a job...checking that off the list too. So I'm more or less biding my time.

On the flip side. There is a bitter side to finishing college. In that I am being forced against my will to leave this place. How unfair is it that college has to involve school? I won't lie...against my will and natural inclination to keep anything remotely sentimental and cheesy on the inside... I've been getting nostalgic and have spent a little too much time listening to Michael W. Smith sing Friends are Friends forever...and The Graduation song by Vitamin C...and I Will Remember you...and Time of Your Life...Eek. I'm a sap. Crappp.

This picture sums up entirely why I will miss my time at Taylor (please note that NO classrooms or books are involved in this picture):

So. Here's the plan post graduation (God willing...I just really feel the need to add that in every time I mention graduation..because my classes are such a struggle right now...I definitely need God's will on my side.) I am going back to my ever faithful jobs at Camp Kearney and IncrediPet. Seriously..I don't know that I would be willing to give the two up even if I didn't need to money. SO. It's another summer of singing the banana song and convincing people that what they feed their dog really does matter.

THEN. (insert some variety of grandiose music here) I start teaching 8th grade science in the fall. SCORE. If I could describe to you how much I love middle schoolers...I would...but I can't, as most people consider me sick and twisted for thinking it's the best thing in the world.

But Alas, let's be honest...I should probably be writing a paper, or studying, or reading (REAL SEX is the book of the night...thank you contemp.) so I will stop forcing you to continue reading this blog against your will.


Some things to consider:
1. The topsy turvey tomato planter - how does that work? Does gravity have no role in this concept?
2. What would happen if instead of walking heel to toe...we all walked toe to heel? Picture it in your mind...give it a shot...you know you want to.
3. If for some reason you are in need...which I ALWAYS am...movie theaters are willing to give you the left over 3D glasses if you smile pretty and ask for them. This was a HUGE success for me this week...definitely more so than my geology exam.